Tuesday, January 13, 2009

She only wants boys with flicknives

Cloudberry 801!

I feel like it's been a while since I've mentioned Cloudberry Records around these parts, though I guess it's not like Roque is dropping new singles on us every week like before. What a fun rush that used to be! Well, in any case, there is now some new Cloudberry upon us – in 3" CD format at that! Cloudberry 801 – which was released sometime around the first of the year, I think – is Cloudberry's first venture into split singles! The single features London collective The Understudies and Chicago's Very Truly Yours – a split split by an ocean!

I knew The Understudies from MySpace a while ago and I remember quite enjoying their songs then, but their first track, "Flicknives" sounds like it could truly be a decade-old classic. These guys could bring a lonesome teenage boy to tears with such grace and ease, that even Morrissey would be proud. On the flip-side it's a different ballgame. Among Very Truly Yours' ranks we find not only pretty much most all of The Lorimer Sound, but also Lisle Fireflies. He seems to be popping up all over the place these days – but who's going to complain?! Very Truly Yours recall early 90s US indiepop at it's best – catchy, fast, and relentlessly jangling! Think perhaps Go Sailor's fanastic melodies with a touch more reverb and a dash of fuzz and you've got "Popsong '91" – hell, the title even references the 90s! I'm quite loving these songs and I'd really, really suggest picking this one up. It's even got ducks! :)

[MP3]: The Understudies :: Flicknives (Very recommended!)
[MP3]: Very Truly Yours :: Popsong '91 (Yes! This one, too!)

Another split 3", this time with Kevin McGrother and My Laundry Life (Yesssssss!) is due out January 25th! More on that one later, once I acquaint my myself a bit more with it!

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