Monday, January 25, 2010


World Atlas

Good morning! While doing my daily MySpace check-in this morning before class I decided to see what World Atlas, whom I've mentioned a couple times in the past, were up to these days. To my extreme delight, it turns out they're up to a lot! They have apparently got a record to be released by Magic Marker at some point — hopefully soon! The more immediate and exciting news however, is that they will be playing the NYC Popfest this year!!! with a string section!!! I couldn't say yay enough to times to truly justify how great I think this will be.

Go Listen to some of their sweet pop tunes on MySpace!

In other almost-equally-exciting news, the new Sad Day For Puppets 7" on Cloudberry is almost out!!! It'll be available February 10th and you're definitely going to want to be grabbing one. I've been listening to "Again" since Roque first put it up and it still sounds like gold!

[MP3]: Sad Day For Puppets :: Again (Hiiighly Recommended!!!)

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Blogger colin said...

i saw world atlas play at the studio at webster hall the other day and could not have been more pleased with their performance. i also got to pick up their EP, and it has yet to leave my car stereo long enough for me to put it on my computer. it's that good!

10:49 AM  
Blogger Kitsie... said...

hi! could you help me with the lyrics of Again by Sad Day for Puppets? It's just so beautiful.

6:41 PM  

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